


Grande Piquenique de la Terre Brûlée 2025 at Notre Dame de Londres

Annual Pit-firing Saturday 29th et Sunday 30th MARCH 2025  (or the following weekend in case of heavy rain)

Please don’t hesitate to sign up to the workshop for making pièces for this firing, ( in Montpellier, 3 rue du Verseau) on one of the following weekends. Places are limited !

Saturday 08 - Sunday 09 March 2025

Saturday 15 - Sunday 16 March 2025

Workshop 250€ ( workshop, clay & pit-firing included ! )

Sign up : Fill out the contact form specifying the workshop you are interested in

Places are also available as a gift bon cadeau on the website.


RAKU firing (with glazes, naked raku, feathers and horsehair...)

at the workshop 3 rue du Verseau, Montpellier

RAKU firing : Sunday 27 April 2025 (weather permitting)

Date for making pieces for the Raku firings at Helen Green Ceramix’s clay studio, 3 rue du Verseau, Montpellier :

Sunday 13 April

Workshop 250€ ( workshop, clay and raku firing included ! )

Sign up : Fill out the contact form specifying the workshop you are interested in

Places are also available as a gift  bon cadeau on the website.


7-8 December

29th Marché des Potiers des Matelles

5 October 2024 10am - 6pm

The first édition of Festival de la Céramique brought to you by Céramistes en Pic Saint Loup, à Saint Mathieu de Tréviers !


Summer hours (July & August) at the studio : 9H-13H 16H-19H !

July - August : Summer Ceramix workshops made to measure (tour, décoration, émail, raku)  …


18th - 19th May

Domaine Saint Clément, Saint Clément la Rivière

11H - 22H

I'm excited to be showing my sculptures, painted by fire in our annual pit-firing ritual, this 18th - 19th May at the Domaine Saint Clément, Saint Clément la Rivière, at their 10 year anniversary celebration. There will be exhibitions, musique, fashion, food and wine !

Hope to see you there !


Next workshop :

Raku workshop

  • workshop appropriate for all levels

Learn to make a piece for a raku firing with one or several methods depending on your wishes and experience; you will have an overview of various finishings (polishing and naked-raku; with or without glaze; metallic and crackle glazes; applying feather, horsehair, etc… )

The price 250€ includes : 2 day of workshop for making pieces, the clay and a bisque firing; as well as a raku firing (at least 3 weeks after the making workshop).


Poterie Market

Looking forward to showing my work at this event in Montpellier 20th-21st April 2024 !


Raku workshops in Montpellier :

Contact me for more information !

Annual pit-firing event Grande Picnic de la Terre Brûlée scheduled in MARCH 2024 , inscriptions open !!!

Workshops in Montpellier 2-3 March & 9-10 March, pitfiring (weather permitting 30-31 March)

At Helen Green Ceramix clay studio in Montpellier you’ll discover techniques, tips and tricks for making an objet for ou annual pit-firing. You’ll make some objects designed to be pit-fired and participate in our exceptional pit-firing event. (Check out some examples here.)

Complete course including clay and firing = 250€

For beginners and confirmed ceramic artists.

Space is limited and reservation obligatory. For more information or to reserve a place, sign up to our newsletter or write to me via the contact page !


Many thanks to Artothèque for inviting me to exhibit a piece for a month at the lovely Domaine de Restinclières ! Exposition Nourritures Terrestres 07/09 - 08/10 2023


L’ETRANGE CAS DE MiRACLES ORDiNAiRES       02 - 04 décembre 2022

Discover a surprising and curious exhibition of pit-fired works by Helen Green Ceramix, with lyrical prints by Alain Mombrinie and the exceptional marquetry of Mickaël Amant, at the Gallery Mickaël Amant. Meet the artists at the opening Friday 02 December at 6pm and Saturday 03 December 2-6pm..

Opening : Friday 2 décembre 6-9pm

Galerie Mickaël Amant, 18 rue Therese, 34090 Montpellier, 0467867770 - 0663286492, ou Helen Green 0672011566


27e MARCHÉ DES POTIERS DES MATELLES, 10 & 11 décembre 2022

I’m delighted to be participating in the renowned Marché des Potiers des Matelles, where I’ll be showing my many Ubus - bowls, crucibles, alchemical sculptures - decorated with wood ash, iron oxide and other concoctions !

Several other members of Céramistes en Pic Saint Loup will also be showing their work !

Place de la Mairie des Matelles,

samedi 10 décembre 10H/19H

dimanche 11 décembre 10H/18H


Our studio hosts raku firings , please contact me if you’d like to participate!


Our annual pit-firing Boue Brûlee 2022,was a great success. Thank you to all who joined us for your participation, good humour and conviviality! Please contact me for information about next year’s event!

Raku above

Pit-firing below


Helen Green Ceramix studio show room is open, by appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me to schedule your visit at +33 672 011 566 !



So chuffed to have hosted Anmari, népalaise artist at the studio for a week, thanks to the associations Céramistes en Pic Saint Loup and Peuple de Terre and Fondation Culture et Diversité !


Festival d’Art et de Feu, Montpellier, I was there!


A St Gély du Fesc, I pas delighted to represent our association Céramistes en Pic Saint Loup with Mireille Liedes !



GAL’ART in Galargues !

Happy to be participating in this exhibition with Alain Mombrinie, K Salgado Da Silva and Loul Combres !!!


31/10/2021 So happy to announce the creation of our association of ceramists !


The Studio Helen Green Ceramix is temporarily closed to the public. However, please do not hesitate to contact me about your ceramic projects!


Dates to be announced.



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Prix du Public pour Arts décoratifs !


Du 19 octobre au 03 novembre 2019


Octobre 2019

Stand ‘artiste locale’ Exposition au Salon de la SIM, Arena, Montpellier


05 Juillet - 31 août 2019 Exposition à Arteastic à Avignon

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18-19 MAI 2019

Grande cuisson en Fosse annuelle

“Terre Brûlée” au pied du Pic Saint Loup


01-02 JUIN 2019

FESTIVAL D’Art et de FEU avec Carole Cétoile Akdogan !

Montpellier esplanade !



24-26 MAI 2019

EXPOSITION sur Montpellier avec le collectif HAPAX 4


9th Feb 2019 - Mud Whispering & A Flitter Of Consonance

Charlie’s Café, San Francisco!

Art show with ceramics & wheel throwing by Helen Green, prose by Alain Mo and live music by Paul Griffiths and Sean Silverman!

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16 Nov - 8 Déc 2018

Expo à 2 : "Green & Gritte" à la Galerie Etat D’Art à Sète. Helen Green Ceramix" et Aurélia Gritte

Salon Ob'Art - objets de créateurs

Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art 2018.

Salon Ob'Art, au Corum, Montpellier 6-8 April / avril 2018


Bouts de Boue Debout 4!

06-08 Octobre 2017 - Exhibition avec le collectif HAPAX 4 et notre Special Guest invité, au 30 rue Anterrieu, Montpellier

Avec Jacob Wild !

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Foire Internationale de Montpellier 2018

70ième anniversaire - Helen Green Ceramix est invitée par le CMA pour faire des démonstrations de poterie, au Parc des Expositions de Montpellier !


Porcelain workshop June 2018

China Painting with Ilona Romule, at ICS Kecskemét Hungary


Place de la comédie, Montpellier, du 9 au 24 décembre !


BAZR Festival 2017 - du 1 au 3 décembre, à Sète - Les établissements LAROSA 1472 avenue Gilbert Martelli

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Novembre 2017 Blue Vessels of Nomadic Mire Seeking Curbs in Hearts of Beasts

Charlie's Café, Folsom St. San francisco 18 Novembre, 11-15H Pop-up Event!

  • Raku Kiln HGAM construction and firings, “The Odd Likeliness of Ordinary Miracles” / “Le Cas Surprenant des Miracles Ordinaires”

  • Grand Pique Nique de la Terre Brûlée - annuelle, Pit-firing/Enfumage, “They Burn Mud Don’t They” / “Terre Brûlée”

  • Salon Ob'art des Ateliers d'Art de France, avec le CMA de l'Hérault, Corum Montpellier (31/03-02/04 2017)

  • "Allo à L'eau" (15/04/17), journée agro écologie à Neffiès dans l'Hérault (animations, concerts, conférences, films, marché paysan

  • Porcelain workshop at ICS Kecskemét Hungary

  • Ghanian Poteries

  • They Burn Mud Don't They San Francisco

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